Cheryl's Books

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The Texas Coast is a place of shifting sands, supposed treasure, and the thrill of pirate legends. When twelve-year-old Lea McKinney comes to the tiny fishing village to spend the summer with her aunt, she is searching for a place of her own. She encounters a mystery, a ghost, and new friends along the way.
Rory Kind I, a well-known horse-trainer, is killed at night alone at his racetrack stable. His death occurs from a blow to the head, after a charity meet where heavy attendance and betting result in a myriad of suspects. The initial motive seems to be unknown; at first the police think he was kicked accidentally by a horse. But, Rory, his granddaughter, named for him, does not believe that. She begins to search, and uncovers something of both her past and her future as she proves his death was no accident.
Retired Colonel Matthew Rankin s sudden death at a party in 1996 leaves a gap in many lives. Deepest, perhaps, in that of his daughter, Manda, whose grief is overwhelming as she realizes how little she knows of who her father was. The coincidental arrival of Pieter Becker, a man following a just-found trace of his own father’s World War II disappearance, sets the two of them in motion to solve the puzzle of their fathers’ connection.