Valentine’s Day and 20 degrees

When last I wrote the year 2020 was ending. For a number that usually makes us think of clear seeing, last year surely wasn’t that. Now it is Valentine’s Day, one of love, and flowers, and thoughts of spring. Except it is 20 degrees here in Texas, which it rarely ever is. I’ve spend the last weeks in the dark, gray days enjoying the brightness of the scenes my mind’s eye finds as I’ve read old and treasured book as well as new ones.

I’ve also begun to write discussion questions for SandPeople as requests for those have come in. I’m working more at that than I thought I  would, looking for those places that the book means different things to different levels of readers and ages. This story is a solemn and grownup one as it deals with divorce, and all the recall of personal divorce stories catch people at the ages they were when their family experienced that change. It is a grownup book along those lines. I’ll post them here when I have them done. I knew with See Ya what it meant to readers before it was published, because of the World War II stories I gathered and how many people wanted to tel lme about them. SandPeople has that same effect, but after the reading, not before. Stay tuned, I hope to help those stories be shared, and perhaps help, readers and friends.